Tokens are fictitious words written in between brackets [ ]. They are used in modules which display content. 

For example, let's say you want to display at the bottom of your articles the author and the date as follows: 
This article has been written by Jérôme on the 9th of February at 6:23pm 

With the Tokens use, it is: 
This article has been written by [AUTHOR] on the [DATE] at [HOUR]


Common tokens (shared between all type of content)

[TITLE] : Title of the item
[AUTHOR] or [AUTEUR] : Author of the item
[AUTHOR_AVATAR]: Avatar of the author of the item (Only available on PWA plan)
[URL_ITEM] : Url of the item (not the website)
[NBCOMMENTS] : Comments count of the item
[COMMENTS] :  In case of more than 1 comment : lang/GB_TXT_66
ex : [COMMENTS] => [X] comments => 23 comments In case of 1 or 0 comment : lang/GB_TXT_65
​ex : [COMMENTS] => [X] comment => 1 comment

Date US format:
[DATETXT1] : Date of the item with the date format : cccc, MMMM d yyyy
[DATETXT2] : Date of the item with the date format : MMMM d yyyy
[DATETXT3] : Date of the item with the date format : cccc, MMMM d
[DATE] or [DATETXT4] : Date of the item with the date format : MM'/'dd'/'yyyy
[DATETXT5] : Date of the item with the date format : MM'/'dd
[DATETXT6] : Date of the item with the date format : MM'/'yyyy
[DATETXT7] : Date of the item with the date format : MMMM' 'yyyy
[DATETXT8] : Date of the item with the date format : MMMM' 'dd
[HOUR] : Date of the item with the date format : lang/GB_DATEHOUR
[AGO] : Ago string (like "2 days ago") generated from the date of the item
[SUMMARY] : Summary of the item (item/summary)

Date french format:
[DATETXT1] : Date of the item with the date format : cccc' 'dd' 'MMMM' 'yyyy
[DATETXT2] : Date of the item with the date format : dd' 'MMMM' 'yyyy
[DATETXT3] : Date of the item with the date format : cccc' 'dd' 'MMMM
[DATE] or [DATETXT4] : Date of the item with the date format : dd'/'MM'/'yyyy
[DATETXT5] : Date of the item with the date format : dd'/'MM
[DATETXT6] : Date of the item with the date format : MM'/'yyyy
[DATETXT7] : Date of the item with the date format : MMMM' 'yyyy
[DATETXT8] : Date of the item with the date format : dd' 'MMMM
[HOUR] : Date of the item with the date format : lang/GB_DATEHOUR


Article specific tokens

[CONTENT]: Content of the item (Only in the detail)
[SUBTITLE] : Subtitle of the item (item/subtitle)
[LEADIN] : Leadin of the item (item/leadin)
[SUMMARY] : Summary of the item (item/summary)
[DISTANCE] : Distance of the item, generated from lat & lng


Video specific tokens

[CONTENT] : Content of the item (Only in the detail)
[SUMMARY] : Summary of the item (item/summary)
[LONG_DURATION] : Duration of the video (like 1h 55min 23s)
[DURATION] : Duration of the video (like 04:30)
[VIEWS] : 
In case of more than 1 view : lang/GB_TXT_31
ex : [VIEWS] => [X] [LANGVARIABLE] => 23 views
In case of 1 or 0 view : lang/GB_TXT_32
ex : [VIEWS] => [X] [LANGVARIABLE]  => 1 view


Photo specific tokens

[CONTENT] : Content of the item


Map specific tokens

[CONTENT] : Content of the item (Only in the detail)
[ADDRESS] : Address of the item
[PHONE] : Phone number of the item
[MAIL] : Mail of the item
[WEBSITE] : Website of the item (not the same than the url of the item)
[DISTANCE] : Distance of the item, generated from lat & lng
[LAT] :  Latitude of the item
[LONG] : Longitude of the item


Event specific tokens

[CONTENT] : Content of the item (Only applies in the detail)
[ADDRESS] : Address of the item
[PHONE] : Phone number of the item
[WEBSITE] : Website of the item (not the same as the url of the item)


Podcast specific tokens

[CONTENT] : Content of the item (Only in the detail)
[SUMMARY] : Summary of the item (item/summary)
[DURATION] : Duration of the sound (like 04:30)
[AUTHOR] : Author of the podcast (Only on the list view)


User specific tokens

[LOGIN] : Login of the user
[MAIL] : Mail of the user
[DISPLAYNAME] or [NAME] : Display name of the user
[DESCRIPTION] : Description of the user
[LANG] : Language of the user
[LOCATION] :  Location of the user


Coupon specific tokens

[CONTENT] : Content of the item (Only in the detail)
[SUBTITLE] : Subtitle of the item (item/subtitle)
[ADDRESS] : Address of the item
[PROMOCODE] : Promo code of the item
[REDEEM] : Redeem button title of this coupon
[SHOPNAME] : Shop name of this coupon
[DISTANCE] : Distance of the item, generated from lat & lng

  • If number of offers available by user is unlimited : ""
  • If user logged : 
    • if  Number of offers remaining total < Number of offers remaining for this user :  Number of offers remaining for this user
    • else : Number of offers remaining total
  • If user not logged :
    • if  Number of offers remaining total < Number of offers available by user :  Number of offers available by user
    • else : Number of offers remaining total
    • If number of offers available by user is unlimited : ""
    • If not unlimited : Number of offers remaining total

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