
Bien Pensado - The Latest Marketing Resources: Anytime, Anywhere


Today we spoke to David Gomez, Director of Bien Pensado , a Colombian company that provides information and marketing resources for SMEs. Author of El día que David venció a Goliat  (The day David defeated Goliath) and Facebook Toolbox.
David Gomez, Director of Bien Pensado

David Gomez, Director of Bien Pensado


Can you introduce Bien Pensado to our readers?

Bien Pensado is a company that provides marketing resources for SMEs. We specialize in creating useful and practical content for small businesses, independent professionals and entrepreneurs.

What is the main purpose of your mobile app?

Allow all people who follow us on social networks and on our website to have all the information in one place with an easy access. They do not need to have a computer at hand to access our information, so they can enjoy it at their smartphones while doing other activities. It's always a good time to learn marketing.

We want people to consume our information at different moments and other formats, so we linked not our blog but audios, videos and social networks so we can provide a better experience to our communities.

How do you hope to convert your users with your app?

Our main indicator is the number of openings of the application. Initially give it a strong promotion so our readers can download it, and then keep them interested in checking our marketing content through the app. The idea is that our readers can make good use of their time while doing something else. We want them to remember that they can learn about marketing from Bien Pensado at anytime, anywhere.

Why is it important for you and your business to have a mobile app?

Because we constantly generate information and if people can access it, we will always have brand presence. We want them to think of us as their main source of marketing for SMEs.

How can the app help you increase the loyalty of your readers?

Our readers can check our information more often. Not only when they are in front of a computer, but throughout the day, at different times and circumstances. In other words, we aim to increase the number of contacts or touchpoints with our brand. That increases loyalty. The frequency generates familiarity, familiarity generates confidence, and confidence generates sales.

What is your favorite GoodBarber feature?

The ability to adjust the predesigned templates according to the type of information we want to share. For us, aesthetics and looking very professional is critical and is reflected on every customer experience. We love about GoodBarber, not only because it is effective, but aesthetically impeccable.

Any recommendation to our readers?

They should think about developing their own app. Being present at people’s smartphones creates a much more intimate relationship, and that's a huge advantage over the competition. It means literally be in the pocket of the audience. There is nothing more intimate than that.

Discover more of Bien Pensado in their social networks: FacebookTwitterGoogle++Bienpensado/posts