Decideo in Spanish: a community around Business Intelligence
Written by Dumè Siacci on
Who are you? What is Decideo?

Philippe Nieuwbourg and Melva Hernandez, editors of Decideo
Decideo is community sharing best practices and gathering professionals dealing with storing and analyzing data. It's called Business Intelligence, or Big Data, which is today's buzz word. To analyse data, you need softwares, being teached how to install them, understand your data, etc. Decideo offers its readers case studies, articles from experts, insights and news about the Bid Data industry. It's not only a media but also a community with more than 10 000 members for the french edition. Since mid-2013, we have localized Decideo for Spain and Latin America. has already hundreds of readers in Colombia, Chili, Mexico and Spain. Latin America is a soaring young continent. Mobile and smartphone usage are growing very fast. It was obvious for Decideo to launch our own mobile app and our website at the same time. Decideo is clearly a company operating around the world, showing that IT has no frontiers. We power Decideo in French and in Spanish, with a team headed by Philippe Nieuwbourg for the french content, and Melva Hernandez for the spanish content. We are based in Canada, we have readers worldwide and our provider is in Corsica :) We live in a world village.
Why did you want to create an app for Decideo?
Wherever they are in France, Quebec, or Latin America, the professionals who read us are connected people. The question "Where are you" doesn't matter anymore. If we are all connected, we have access to our mobile apps, to our data in the cloud, and we are ready to work. It was important for us to reach our readers right where they are, that is to say everywhere: at work, at home, in a meeting, commuting, etc.
They are mobile, so are we! I like to imagine our readers browsing Decideo during endless meetings they are forced to attend in their companies :-)
Moreover, the smartphone is an interactive tool. For instance, we've seen higher CTR on banners on the mobile app than on the website. It means that our apps meet our users needs, and that's the only thing that matters to us.
They are mobile, so are we! I like to imagine our readers browsing Decideo during endless meetings they are forced to attend in their companies :-)
Moreover, the smartphone is an interactive tool. For instance, we've seen higher CTR on banners on the mobile app than on the website. It means that our apps meet our users needs, and that's the only thing that matters to us.
What are the advantages to use an app builder like GoodBarber?
I only see advantages. I wouldn't be able to code such an app by myself. If we use a CMS like WMaker and an app builder like GoodBarber , it's to remain focused on our job: producing content, articles, interviews, ... I am to aged now to become an expert of Xcode! And I don't want to become one at all. For me, using GoodBarber is obvious, as obvious as buying a car instead of building one by myself. GoodBarber provides 99.99% of what we need, for an extraordinary affordable price. If you want to pay the extra thousands dollars to have the additional 0.01%, up to you, but I think most of us will be happy with what GoodBarber offers by default. It has the best price / quality ratio.
Why did you choose GoodBarber? What can you say about this solution?
Let me make a comparison. GoodBarber is to app creation what IKEA is to furniture. It's affordable, it's well designed, it's easy and beautiful. When I open the box, I have all the tools to build my app. You will say that IKEA furnitures don't last very long and don't survive after moving. Ok ! Maybe it's true for GoodBarber apps too. But, if you want, you can rebuild your app every 6 months if you want to keep it up to date. And, contrary to IKEA, GoodBarber is good for the environment. No waste. You don't throw your app to build another !:-)
I will just point what's missing before concluding. We are looking forwarding to having an iPad app. Our professional readers are heavy users of tablets. The content we produce will be even better displayed on the iPad. But we've heard it's in the pipe ... so we stay tuned and we will test it as soon as it is available.
I will just point what's missing before concluding. We are looking forwarding to having an iPad app. Our professional readers are heavy users of tablets. The content we produce will be even better displayed on the iPad. But we've heard it's in the pipe ... so we stay tuned and we will test it as soon as it is available.