Operation Magnets Storm!
Written by GoodBarber Team on
About a month ago, we sent more than 500 GoodBarber magnets with thank you postcards signed by the entire team to 12 different countries, on 4 continents, in the Atlantic (Caribbean) and Pacific (Polynesia). The target: our user community.

Here’s a summary of the operation stages with no less than a month and a half for preparation: card design and production, sign each card by every team member (it’s not an easy task), purchase stamps for 3 different destinations (France, Europe, rest of the world), manual preparation of envelopes, and shipping.
We wanted to express our friendship and appreciation for our user community by giving each user some special attention in a way in which we thought was pretty uncommon on the Internet. We appear to have achieved our goal. The feedback has given us inspiration and encourages us to continue down this path.
The illustration above is a sample of the photos we received, thank you Jeremy Wagemans nighttunes.org, Sadayuki Matsumoto xtone.co.jp , Roxanne Varza techbaguette.com , Jerome Bouteiller Net Media Europe , “U Sgaiuffu” apiazzetta.com , Koyolite Tseila legaliondesetoiles.com , Lucia Mattei lejidd.com , and everyone else. If you haven’t received your GoodBarber envelope, it’s likely that it was lost in transit… : ( Let us know!
And continue to send us your photos!
The illustration above is a sample of the photos we received, thank you Jeremy Wagemans nighttunes.org, Sadayuki Matsumoto xtone.co.jp , Roxanne Varza techbaguette.com , Jerome Bouteiller Net Media Europe , “U Sgaiuffu” apiazzetta.com , Koyolite Tseila legaliondesetoiles.com , Lucia Mattei lejidd.com , and everyone else. If you haven’t received your GoodBarber envelope, it’s likely that it was lost in transit… : ( Let us know!
And continue to send us your photos!