GoodBarber Team, Friday 27 November 2015

A GoodBarber Christmas #GBXmas

Hello GoodBarbers! Are you in the Christmas spirit yet?  Our team got started really early this year to imagine fun surprises and make sure they are ready come December 1st. So, what is in store this Holiday season? First, head to our Facebook page and discover our Beautiful Christmas by GoodBarber  Advent Calendar  which should keep you entertained until Christmas and which will, with a little bit of luck, bring you lovely presents under the tree! 
Written on Tuesday 20 October 2015

The Tourist in Paris: a Tourism App for Paris lovers

Today we are showcasing an app that will take you to "The City of Light". The Tourist in Paris decided to go mobile upon realizing that most of their readership was actually using them on the go. A responsive website wasn’t enough, so they decided to go for a Beautiful App with a fun user experience. Check out our interview below with Bertrand de Volontat, the editor of The Tourist in Paris.
Written on Tuesday 22 September 2015

LunchBOX: waxing made glamorous with a Beautiful App

Hello GoodBarbers! Today, we are showcasing an app which caught our eye in many ways. But, first, its really their icon which got us wondering what LunchBOX could be about. When we found out, we thought it was the perfect combination of fun and clever and felt we had to share it here.  
Written on Tuesday 8 September 2015

TV Guará: the Mobile TV Channel!

Hello GoodBarbers, Today we are live from Guará, Brasil to introduce you to a local Brazilian TV channel's excellent live streaming video app. TV Guará is a project founded by Sérgio Salomão with the purpose of broadcasting the Guará region's local news, as well as national and international news for all of the region's inhabitants. The project is divided into two main platforms: a website and a native app, available for both Android and iOS. Today I would like to focus on the app, and the big question is: 
Muriel Santoni, Tuesday 14 July 2015

Video Tutorial: Personalize the Submit Section

Hi GoodBarbers, Today we are answering a question that a lot of you ask us: how can the settings of the Submit section be modified? By watching this tutorial, you will be able to delete a field, as well as personalize the default text in each section. The Submit section represents an excellent way to increase user engagement and loyalty, so don't miss out on this opportunity to maximize its capabilities by adapting it specifically to your project!
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 20 May 2015

Video Tutorial: Organizing CMS Content

A lot of people don't realize the extent of all they can do with the GoodBarber platform, but we are here to give you some insight into the possibilities. This tutorial will provide some ideas on content organization—if you like the layout and appearance of the GoodBarber News app (check it out if you haven't!) you can create something similar by following this quick guide.   
Laura Mas, Wednesday 6 May 2015

[Video Tutorial] How to connect my app to third party advertising services

Hi GoodBarbers! Today we are going to show you one of the opportunities our platform offers to monetize your app: advertisements. Sell space in your app to advertisers and watch your revenue quickly increase! In addition to being able to create your own ads in your back office, you can also connect your app to a third party advertising service, so you don't have to worry about dealing with advertisers. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to enable the advertisement options in your back office from the Add-Ons store and how to connect those services to your app. To give you a practical example, in the video we show you the process of connecting Admob. However, you'll have the opportunity to implement ads from different services, such as Mobpartner, Swelen or dfp, amongst others. Moreover, GoodBarber allows you to define the platform (Android smartphones, iPad, etc) in which your ads will be displayed, as well as the order of your campaigns.  
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 8 April 2015

Video Tutorial: How to Generate your Android App with GoodBarber

This tutorial will show you the simplicity of the Android generation process, which will allow you to test your native Android app on your phone before submitting it to Google Play. If you opt for the "GoodBarber Takes Care" option, no need to read this article. If not, don't stress—it's not as complicated as it seems. Follow the instructions closely beginning with clicking the "I'll do it myself" option, and your app will be generated in no time. 
Catarina Crespo, Friday 30 January 2015

Go for a Check-App and Improve your Mobile Performance

Has your app been in poor health lately? Low percentage of downloads? Less traffic than before? No reviews in the stores? Perhaps your app has a weak immune system and could have a nasty case of “Lack of optimization”.
Written on Monday 12 January 2015

The Super Powers of the Video

A huge trend of 2014, videos have become an unavoidable means of communication. Read on to find out why and how to use them efficiently... The video has the ability to greatly increase the popularity of a site, and there are many who can attest to this. The video is a multipurpose communication tool that proves to be pertinent to several stages of client relations: it encourages interactiveness and increases user engagement on sites.  Video content can also, under certain conditions, boost the SEO of your site.  In fact, a video has 53 times more of a chance of coming up on the first page of a Google search than written content does.  However, remember that only written characters are taken into account by Google search algorithms. To improve your SEO through a video, you will have to pay a lot of attention to the title, the description, and the key words you have chosen. If you take this criteria into account, your video should be able to considerably increase your visibility on the internet. To give you an idea of the super powers that video content has in strategic marketing, a study done by Forrester  revealed that "from this point on, an online video may have more of an impact than a 30 second television commercial". So, are you convinced by the considerable advantages that video content is offering us? Now we will have to develop a strategy that defines the type of video and the channels of communication that you should use.  What better way to enlighten you than to show you how we, at GoodBarber, have decided to use the video?
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 7 January 2015

Top 5 Beautiful Apps of 2014

Hello GoodBarbers, I hope you have recovered from the New Years madness! A new year is often synonymous with new projects, and to help you create your Beautiful App, here are the five best apps produced in 2014. The choice was not easy…
Written on Tuesday 16 December 2014

[Video Tutorial] How to Change the Icons of Your App's Menu

When you design your app, you may choose between a variety of different navigation modes. Some of those navigation modes include icons for each individual section. In this video tutorial, we’re going to show you how to: - Add sample sections to your app to visualize the structure of the menu - Set the icons of your app after you’ve chosen your navigation mode - Upload your own personal icons
GoodBarber Team, Wednesday 29 October 2014

Timeline Video: GoodBarber at the Web Summit

Even October is coming to an end... This year has gone by in a blink of the eye!  Maybe it's because when you are busy and you love what you are doing time flies by faster... This year has been full of emotions for us; the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the top 5, GoodBarber 3, and there is still so much more to come in these next two months... Trust me, we will surprise you! I don't want to give anything away but..... ;)
Written on Friday 22 August 2014

GB3 - Empowering Apps With The New CMS

At GoodBarber we’ve been creating apps since 2009. And with all of our experience from thousands of clients, we realized that a great number of people chose our service because they were able to create, as well as manage, their own content using a simple interface, in order to bring their beautiful app to life!  With this in mind we decided that we should expand and improve our built-in CMS for GoodBarber 3.
Written on Friday 13 June 2014

The Golden Rules for a Food and Recipes App

Who, if not me, the GoodBarber with the chef hat, could have written this article?! I remember standing in the kitchen about four years ago, surrounded by pots and pans, with my little booklet with recipes handed down for generations in my family, and also with those gathered at parties, dinners and birthdays. Who could have imagined that this little booklet could have been the prelude to a mass phenomenon, called Food Blogging. Once I became a vegetarian, though, my collection gave me little satisfaction, since it was full of recipes with meat sauce, ham and steak. Following the traditions of my mediterranean origins I started to eat only salads, until, out of desperation, I began searching for inspiration on the web.   During the last 4 years, things have changed a lot. Once upon a time, the web was something exclusive and the recipes you could find were mainly high cuisine, and too difficult and complicated for everyday cooking. No longer! The web, but also mobile apps, have something to offer for everyone. Finding recipes from countries on the other side of the world, or easy and original ideas for making the most out of what you have in the fridge, has never been faster and easier.    Starting a food blog now is very different now than it was 3 or 4 years ago. The competition is fierce and it’s no longer enough to segment your audience by choosing a small niche. If you already have a blog, my advice is to complete your offer by creating an app, complementary to your website. This will allow you to increase your audience and traffic, and become more competitive in the eyes of potential sponsors and investors. If this is an adventure you’re just starting, perhaps the smartest choice might be to go straight to mobile, avoiding the never-ending war between the giants of the virtual kitchen. Let’s find out why!
GoodBarber Team, Friday 31 January 2014

Check out the GoodBarber YouTube channel!

Did you know GoodBarber has a YouTube channel? For anyone looking for more visual and interactive help with creating their app than what our backend documentation offers, or for those who just want to know what the platform is like before giving it a go, our YouTube channel might be a good spot for you to consider checking out.  Most of the videos are in English or French, but there are some Spanish ones mixed in there as well. Feel free to turn on the YouTube subtitle functionality if you need any language assistance.   
Written on Thursday 28 November 2013

Súmate al Éxito: A beautiful app for a web TV

Súmate al Éxito is a web magazine based in Peru for entrepreneurs. In its web site, you can find informations about marketing, entrepreneurship, business, etc. You will find a lot of videos and articles about this subjects .  We let you discover this application with our showcase :)
Jerome Granados, Monday 20 May 2013

How to highlight and promote your app in Google Play?

During Google I/O 2013, some recent figures were given about Google Play.  48 billion apps installed from Google Play, 900 million Android activation, and soon, 1 million apps in the store. Looking at those huge figures, you may wonder how to make your app stand out from the crowd ? Here are some tips to help you highlight and promote your app in Google Play.
Ghjancarlu Simeoni, Thursday 29 March 2012

Broadcast Your Dailymotion Channel On Mobile Devices

As promised, GoodBarber is enhanced with new content sources. In terms of video, your Dailymotion channels and playlists can now be connected to your application. It functions the same as YouTube in the GoodBarber back office. Enter the name of your Dailymotion channel on the Sources page. GoodBarber will recognize it and ask you either to import all videos, or import one or more of your playlists. If you select the playlists, you can connect as many as you like by pairing each playlist with a navigation tab located on your tab bar. Your application can keep your videos on a single tab with your other content sources and even become a real “video app.”
Dumè Siacci, Monday 14 November 2011

Create a Native App in Less Than 5 Minutes!

We’ve designed GoodBarber to be very user-friendly. You’re able to create your own native app in less than 5 minutes. Here’s proof with the iOS application of the TechBaguette blog! When we started thinking about GoodBarber, we wanted to create a powerful app maker that would allow as much customization of your mobile application as you wish. But we also made sure it would be very simple to use. In fact, it’s so simple that you can create a native app in less than 5 minutes! Thanks to Roxanne Varza, of TechBaguette, who put us to the challenge. There’s proof!