Everyone Adores Apps! But do They Adore Yours?
Written by GoodBarber Team on

"Smartphones have become indispensable in our daily life. Their penetration has grown up to 41% of the population and who possesses a smartphone relies on it more and more for an increasingly numerous amount of tasks. 63% of this population accesses the internet from their phones daily and most won't leave their houses without them." (Source: Our Mobile Planet Smartphone Research )

When planning your mobile strategy, it's extremely important to keep in mind that people prefer to access the internet through mobile apps rather than through mobile browsers. The data from Nielsen shown below demonstrates that 89% of smartphone users access the internet through an app (mostly social network, email and news apps).
And what about your app?
It has been predicted that in 2017 people will download more than 268,69 billion apps. We can all easily find information about when users navigate the most on mobile and what devices they use.
All this general information is very useful to help you decide whether or not you want be present on mobile, but it won't help you understand if users are really loving your app!
Every audience has it's own specific habits and preferences, people from different cultures react differently to the same news, every information therefore has a different impact, speed of propagation, etc. depending on who you are speaking to.
That's why it's so important to take the time to properly analyze your statistics and your audience.
We've already spoken about downloads, web analysis and traffic statistics on our blog. So, today we will take a general tour of all the information you can find directly in your backoffice. Keep in mind that since the release of GoodBarber 3 it's also possible to download all the data in XLS. You have total freedom to play with your data and analyze it more in depth, maybe to find the best way to get sponsors or advertisers, or just to improve your content and communication strategy.
All this general information is very useful to help you decide whether or not you want be present on mobile, but it won't help you understand if users are really loving your app!
Every audience has it's own specific habits and preferences, people from different cultures react differently to the same news, every information therefore has a different impact, speed of propagation, etc. depending on who you are speaking to.
That's why it's so important to take the time to properly analyze your statistics and your audience.
We've already spoken about downloads, web analysis and traffic statistics on our blog. So, today we will take a general tour of all the information you can find directly in your backoffice. Keep in mind that since the release of GoodBarber 3 it's also possible to download all the data in XLS. You have total freedom to play with your data and analyze it more in depth, maybe to find the best way to get sponsors or advertisers, or just to improve your content and communication strategy.
Traffic + Downloads + Session length

On the first page of your stats, you can find information regarding the traffic, the downloads and the time spent on your app.
You can filter the data to display the traffic in a specific period or according to the device used.
You can filter the data to display the traffic in a specific period or according to the device used.

GoodBarber gives you both information on the total downloads and on the daily ones.
This second graph can come in handy when you want to measure the results of a promotional campaign, the effect of coupons, etc.
This second graph can come in handy when you want to measure the results of a promotional campaign, the effect of coupons, etc.

The last information the page gives is the time your users spend in your app.
This information is important to know how your users are behaving; Do they read your news, spend time looking at your photos, videos, etc? Or do they just open your app and then exit it almost immediately?
This information is important to know how your users are behaving; Do they read your news, spend time looking at your photos, videos, etc? Or do they just open your app and then exit it almost immediately?

The editorial statistics give insight on the interests of your users, these allow you not only to see which sections they prefer but also what activities they do in the sections; How many articles they read, how many photos they open, how many likes your articles get on Facebook, etc...


These stats allow you to see the segmentation of your audience according to the operating system of their device (iOS or Android) and according to the phone model and OS version.
You can use this info when planning an internal ad campaign, or to monitor how the campaign you have launched is working on iOS and Android devices, you can also see if your audience prefers a particular device.
You can use this info when planning an internal ad campaign, or to monitor how the campaign you have launched is working on iOS and Android devices, you can also see if your audience prefers a particular device.
External services

You can find all this information directly in your back office as soon as your app is published on the stores and begins to gather an audience.
Of course you can also connect external analytics platforms to get even more detailed informations.
In your app you can find the SDKs of Google Analytics, Flurry and Countly (only for iOS and Android) already given, once you connect these, you will have access to an infinite amount of data about your iOS, Android and HTML app. The fun has just only begun!
Of course you can also connect external analytics platforms to get even more detailed informations.
In your app you can find the SDKs of Google Analytics, Flurry and Countly (only for iOS and Android) already given, once you connect these, you will have access to an infinite amount of data about your iOS, Android and HTML app. The fun has just only begun!