Written on Monday 3 June 2013

Celebrating 1 000 000 downloads!

Hey guys... We told you last week that we were working on a video in stop motion to celebrate 1 000 000 downloads! Today is the day for you to discover this amazing video, celebrating this special milestone for your beloved product! Yes, apps created with GoodBarber have been downloaded more than one million time. Again we want to thank you all for the beautiful apps you create with GoodBarber. It’s the best reward our team could get at this point. It fuels us to keep adding great features into GoodBarber. THANKS GUYS ;)
Jean-Mathieu Marchetti-Ettori, Thursday 28 February 2013

Few steps in the Hall 3 of Mobile World Congress

Early in the morning, it was time for me to go to hang around in the Hall 3, a hall in which manufacturers like Samsung, LG or Nokia have great presence. You may also find mobile actors like IBM, or T-mobile, or others that you won't necessary think about, like Ford. The first one when you go down to that hall is Samsung, you really can't miss it, it's a really huge booth ! To deal with the desappointment generated by the non-official release of the Galaxy S4 (and yes it was really disappointing for us), Samsung puts a strong focus on their new tablet :  the Galaxy Note 8.0, presented at the MWC. The other highlight by Samsung was the Samsung Home Sync, a box that allows to share content between all Samsung devices authorized in the area.  Not so much devices news, this year is the year of Cloud ! It is the master key !
Jerome Granados, Tuesday 26 February 2013

Mobile World Congress, Day 2

Very busy day 2 at Mobile World Congress. Day 2 and day 3 are said to be the most intense of the event ... and, well, this is true. We met a lot of people today : VCs, potential partners, complementary services and of course, leads :) Not so much time to give you a feedback of what's hot in MWC2013, but we'll try tomorrow.
Dumè Siacci, Monday 25 February 2013

Mobile World Congress, Day 1

Here we are, the Mobile World Congress began this morning. We met a lot of interesting people today! The team who took the boat yesterday evening from Ajaccio arrived in the late afternoon due to difficult weather conditions. But everyone is here now, and really excited! Tomorrow, we'll take a little more time to make an entire tour of the event, and prepare more focused blog posts. We'll focus on monetization, as we met a lot of ad networks at MWC, and on new devices. We'll try to take some more general pictures of the entire event. To follow us out of this blog, you can find us on Flickr , on Instagram (@goodbarber ), on Twitter (@goodbarber ) and on our Facebook  page :)  See you tomorrow !
Dumè Siacci, Tuesday 12 February 2013

Third day at Le Radio, the On'R award is ours!

Yesterday, we had the suprise to discover that we was "nominés" for the On'R awards, in the "Innovative Service" category.   We won it this morning !   We would like to thank very much Philippe Chapot , Frédéric Brulhatour and the On'R awards' jury at Le Radio show . It's a great encouragement.   We came to this show to discover the radio world, and to imagine new features for GoodBarber.   We have now a big, big to-do list, and you will soon hear about it :)
Jerome Granados, Monday 11 February 2013

Second day at LeRadio in Paris

Since this morning, we have met a lot of people. Each time, they give us great ideas to improve GoodBarber. If it's true that we are not experts of the radio ecosystem, there are great chance that will become killers and the end of Le Radio! Just one evidence: we are "nominé" for the On'R awards.  Here are some pictures of Le Radio :)
Dumè Siacci, Sunday 10 February 2013

First day at LeRadio in Paris

Today was the first day of LeRadio show in Paris, where we are exhibiting the brand new GoodBarber until Tuesday. Here are some pictures of Jerome & Dominique on the GoodBarber booth :)
Dumè Siacci, Saturday 9 February 2013

GoodBarber @ Radio Zest in Paris !

Today, we are at Radio Zest, in Paris. Radio Zest is a conference that is held before LeRadio show, where we'll have a booth until Tuesday. At Radio Zest, Jerome Granados presented how a beautiful app can help you to target a larger audience for your radio station in 5 simple ideas. Here are his slides :)
Dumè Siacci, Wednesday 5 December 2012

Goodbarber live from Web'12

Announced by Jerome in his previous note, GoodBarber is almost ready to release its version 2. So what's best to announce and introduce it than participating in the essential annual meeting for companies and start-up of the web, Web '12. For those who do not know this event, Web'12 is three days of conference, demonstrations and meetings with giants such as Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Google, ect. It's also where tomorrow's Internet is imagined. You understand that it is a very important event that we absolutely wanted to be part of.
GoodBarber Team, Monday 27 February 2012

GoodBarber at the Mobile World Congress 2012 in Barcelona

Meet Dominique, our CEO, at the Mobile World Congress until Wednesday. GoodBarber participates in key events of the mobile and IT industry. After the 2011 “Mobile World Congress” a year ago in Barcelona, “Le Mobile 2.0” in Paris in March 2011, “LeWeb'11 ” last December in Paris, we are present at the “Mobile World Congress ” this year again. Finding an accommodation in Barcelona for this major event is not a easy. Dominique Siacci , our young and intrepid CEO, does not cease by so few. You will find him in the aisles of the MWC until Wednesday. Don’t hesitate to tweet @dsiacci or @good_barber , to track Dume Siacci on Foursquare. As for groupies, just write me, I would give you his personal phone number...
GoodBarber Team, Thursday 8 December 2011

GoodBarber at LeWeb’11

Since yesterday, Wednesday December 7, five evangelists of the native mobile technology have spread the word at LeWeb’11. Their creed: convincing all those who share their passion on the Web via a blog that they now have the opportunity to revolutionize their users’ experience. GoodBarber believes in the native technology because GoodBarber thinks bottom up: everything starts with the user. This is our paradigm.