Extensions Store
Local delivery
Set up your delivery zones by zip code or radius and offer fast delivery to your local community
This feature is developed and maintained by the GoodBarber team
From your shop to their doorsteps
Offer near-instant gratification for your nearest clients with fast local delivery

Finished the long wait and missed deliveries. With local delivery your clients order from your app and within a few hours your products are on their doorsteps.
Differentiate yourself from other retailers and boost your sales
Increase clients satisfaction, build loyalty and drive sales

Only 21% of retailers offer the option of fast delivery while with shopping apps, customers expectations of convenience increase. They are less willing to drive to pick up their order or wait even a couple of days for their delivery. By offering fast local delivery, you’re staying a step ahead of your competition and increase your sales.
Activate the "local delivery" extension
Delivery by zip code or by radius

From your back-office, define the local delivery zones near your shop. You can define your delivery zones by entering the postal codes you wish to include or by defining a radius.