GoodBarber developer tools
Discover all the tools you can use to make your GoodBarber app even more tailor made. Automate workflows with integrations. Develop your own features with plugins.
No-code integrations+
Use GoodBarber integrations for Zapier and Make to automate workflows. You can plug your app to 1000+ of third party services.
With the Zapier extension, you have the ability to connect your app to thousands of other online services. For example, when a new user creates an account in your GoodBarber app, Zapier can ask Mailchimp to add them to one of your audiences
Make is the perfect extension to set up automations without having to code. For example, you could create a scenario that adds the email of your new users to a Salesforce campaign
Zapier (for eCommerce)
Zapier is a tool that helps you automate repetitive tasks between your GoodBarber app and other online services, without any coding. For example, when an order is placed in your GoodBarber app, Zapier can ask Google Sheet to create a new row in a spreadsheet.
Make (for eCommerce)
Connect your eCommerce app to Make and automate operations. For example, you could create a scenario that updates the stock of a product when a row is added to a Google Sheet table.
Build with GoodBarber
For your Content app
Use our APIs to build a custom made workflow. You could for example make an integration that adds a user to a group when an email is added to a Google Sheet.
For your eCommerce app
With GoodBarber's APIs, build solutions around your eCommerce app to boot your business. For instance, when an order is placed in your GoodBarber app, you could automatically print it in your kitchen or in your warehouse.
Custom features+
Build plugins and add your own custom features into your app
Create your own section
Use our plugin section to create deeply integrated custom features for your app. Our javascript toolkit helps you to build additional features for your app.
Code examples
Visit our GitHub account to find examples of plugins and use-cases of custom features.
Advanced design configuration+
Go the extra mile in design customization
App design configuration file
Get a direct access to the configuration file of your app. You will be able to edit hidden parameters to make deep design customizations.
Content synchronization+
Build a custom connector to display content in your app
Custom content feeds
With a custom content feeds, you can synchronize the content you manage with a third party CMS into your app. The content is displayed into GoodBarber's native templates and benefits from all the features of your app.
Data import & export+
Use CSV imports and exports to ingest data within your app, manage or re-use your data outside GoodBarber
For your Content app
You can manage data related to your users (with the Authentication extension), as well as extract traffic statistics of your app.
For your eCommerce app
You can manage data related to your products, customers and orders of your shop, as well as extract traffic statistics of your app.
Hire our experts
If you are not a developer you can also hire our Service+ team.