eMarketer predicted that in 2016, mobile advertising will hit a milestone with $101.37 billion spent on mobile ads. In 2014, mobile ad revenue was $42.63 billion with digital advertisements accounting for 29.4%. In 2016, this percentage will rise to 51.1% of total mobile ad spending.   These numbers exemplify the ever-changing trends in the mobile advertising industry. By the end of the year, mobile ad spending is expected to reach $68 billion with digital ads accounting for around 40%. A few years back this seemed impossible, but with the large global increase in mobile users, companies have started investing in mobile advertising.   This global revolution is bringing new trends to the market. Let's have a look at some of the future trends we expect to see in the mobile advertising industry. ">
Jerome Granados, Sunday 30 May 2021

How to display your own ads in your app?

You have followed all the steps in the How to Make an App guide, and now started wondering ho to make money with your app? This is a question we are almost asked every day. They are several ways to monetize your app the right way, and today, I'd like to focus on advertisement.  In this post, we will see how to use GoodBarber's internal ad network to display ads in your app. The internal ad network is a tool provided by GoodBarber that allows you to manage manually advertisement.
Jerome Granados, Wednesday 13 May 2020

How to use your Google Ad Manager to display ads in your mobile app?

Let's continue to talk about how you can advertise in your GoodBarber app. Two weeks ago, we discussed how to display your own ads in your app, today, I am going to show you how to use your Ad Manager by Google account with your GoodBarber app.
Isabella Leland, Wednesday 14 December 2016

US mobile internet advertising accelerated up 20 percent in 2016

The end of the year is near, which means it’s already time to have a look back at 2016! Figures of a KPCB report on Internet Trends depict what looks like a promising future for app creation in 2017, in developed and affluent countries, where mobile penetration is high, among which Germany, Italy, Korea, Japan, Russia and of course, the USA.
Isabella Leland, Monday 8 August 2016

How to delete #annoying from the advertising strategy of your app?

As an app publisher considering advertising to monetize your app, you’ve landed in the right spot. Indeed, with our app builder you have the possibility to enable flexible advertising solutions, with the opportunity to manage them first hand. Today, we will also give you a few guidelines on how to avoid annoying advertising practices and make your ad placements more interesting and ultimately, more effective.
Pritam Barhate, Thursday 3 September 2015

Trends to Look for in the Mobile Advertising Industry

eMarketer predicted that in 2016, mobile advertising will hit a milestone with $101.37 billion spent on mobile ads. In 2014, mobile ad revenue was $42.63 billion with digital advertisements accounting for 29.4%. In 2016, this percentage will rise to 51.1% of total mobile ad spending.   These numbers exemplify the ever-changing trends in the mobile advertising industry. By the end of the year, mobile ad spending is expected to reach $68 billion with digital ads accounting for around 40%. A few years back this seemed impossible, but with the large global increase in mobile users, companies have started investing in mobile advertising.   This global revolution is bringing new trends to the market. Let's have a look at some of the future trends we expect to see in the mobile advertising industry.
GoodBarber Team, Tuesday 19 May 2015

2014 Mobile Advertising Report

To advertise or not to advertise? This is a common question that many GoodBarbers have, due to the ongoing debate regarding whether or not the money earned is worth the compromised user experience many believe to occur. There is a definite line between effective and obnoxious when it comes to mobile advertising, but if you can manage to incorporate ads in a tasteful way there is certainly an opportunity for profit, which is apparent in the spike in mobile advertising revenues seen over the past year. The following is a summary of the results and trends seen in the mobile advertising industry intended to guide and help you make advertising a successful part of your strategy.
Jerome Granados, Thursday 29 May 2014

Native Advertising in Your App

Have you ever considered inserting native ads in your app? Native ads are an open secret when it comes to monetizing content. So much so that brands are shying away from traditional advertising. Why? Because this marketers' favorite tool makes for more efficient ad placement, with messages tailored to the target audience.