Christophe Spinetti, Tuesday 28 August 2018

Are native apps still the best?

A few years ago, there was no doubt that native apps were the best way to get content out there on mobile. A native app is made to work exclusively on your phone, in the most integrated way possible. However, since about two years ago, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have been disrupting the norms that native established. Certain big-time apps like Facebook or AirBnB have changed their minds on their choice of technology for offering the best user experience on mobile. 
Jerome Granados, Thursday 6 April 2017

What's new with GoodBarber 4.0?

Discover the new GoodBarber 4.0 features revolving around a mobile UI first approach, across devices, and the innovations introduced by the new version of your back office.
Jerome Granados, Monday 3 April 2017

GoodBarber 4.0 | Next Generation Apps

Today, GoodBarber is getting a major update. GoodBarber 4.0 aims at revolutionizing the way you create apps. In 10 years, apps have changed the way we use the web. A very limited space—a small screen—and a not so precise pointer—the finger—have pushed designers to come up with radically new user interfaces. Clean and intuitive, over the years, they’ve imposed their standards on larger screens. These days, to keep the attention of a user, you must be able to deliver impeccable UX regardless of the device used, whether it's big or small. GoodBarber 4.0 tackles that challenge.
Isabella Leland, Thursday 24 September 2015

Ad blocking going mobile and how native apps can benefit from it

One of the most talked about features of the latest Apple operating system version, iOS 9, is how it now allows its users to enable ad blocking apps. The big question is, will ad blocking become big for mobile or not? Pointers seem to be heading towards a yes. As it turns out, ad blocking apps reached the top spots on the App Store within a day of the iOS 9 release. Crystal, Purify, these are the seemingly innocent names posing as a threat to mobile ad revenues.  
Written on Thursday 27 August 2015

The best features for a Mobile Native App

Hey GoodBarbers,  Summer is close to its end, days are getting shorter and colder, and flashbacks of the happy summer nights are coming back to our minds as a Beautiful Movie. Even for us it's time to take a moment to look back on all that has been done, and enjoy all the beautiful features released this year :) Ready to start?
Muriel Santoni, Monday 29 June 2015

4 Myths About Native Applications

Some time ago, we explained all the reasons why native mobile applications are the best. I really believe that their quality speaks for itself and they have nothing else to prove. The majority of individuals involved in the mobile app industry are in agreement that if it's necessary to make a choice between a native app and a web app, a native one is the way to go (luckily GoodBarber offers both, which is the ideal solution!). While this point is clear, there are still a number of false ideas hovering around native apps. I would like to clear these misconceptions up and do a little myth debunking.  
Written on Monday 24 June 2013

7 reasons to create a native app

Why should I need an app? It's a question a lot of people are asking, I'll give you some reasons, they will help you to create one ;) Yes, I know, it's crazy but true! According to a new study, the English tend to spend 119 minutes a day using their mobile against 97 minutes with their partner! Guys, United Kingdom is not so far! ;)
Pierre-Jacques Patrizi, Tuesday 22 November 2011

Native Application vs. HTML5

What’s the future for native mobile applications? Will HTML5 replace native applications? Which would you prefer to use when you’ve decided to position yourself on mobiles? It’s been an ongoing debate in the community of developers for a long time. In order to address both sides of the discussion, we intend to answer to the following questions: What distinguishes the two technologies? What are their respective advantages and disadvantages?
Dumè Siacci, Monday 14 November 2011

Create a Native App in Less Than 5 Minutes!

We’ve designed GoodBarber to be very user-friendly. You’re able to create your own native app in less than 5 minutes. Here’s proof with the iOS application of the TechBaguette blog! When we started thinking about GoodBarber, we wanted to create a powerful app maker that would allow as much customization of your mobile application as you wish. But we also made sure it would be very simple to use. In fact, it’s so simple that you can create a native app in less than 5 minutes! Thanks to Roxanne Varza, of TechBaguette, who put us to the challenge. There’s proof!