Towards applications always faster!
Since we launched GoodBarber, our goal has always been to offer applications with the best user experience. Beyond the interest that they can present for the final users, our approach — which is mainly shared by the industry — is to estimate the user experience of an application by the design and the fluidity (speed) of the interface. Our second goal is to give our users the maximum flexibility in the management of their application with the diversity of the settings, and by modifying it easily. It's the reason why we created a system of remote control for the applications updates. As fast as possible, this tool helps you updating all the base installed (design for example) on your app without an other submission to the stores. The combination of these various constraints created a complex equation to be solved. Because the largest the flexibility of the settings is, the most complicated it is to keep the speed and fluidity of the interface. And conversely, the more we look for speed, the less settings we can propose. We dedicate a big part of our work to keep on improving GoodBarber and make it the sharpest DIY software to create beautiful app (especially through the GoodBarber 2.5 Salvador update). In parallel our team works on the optimisation of the application after every release.